A New Spin Mop and Other Activity Around the Shop

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With the New Year here and in full bloom I am doing some cleaning and rearranging of furniture and equipment and other general busy work to get things off and going. The soda machine is being moved from the music room to cut down on noise and I try out a new spin for the first time in a quest to discover a better mousetrap. Here is the entire action packed video of that day!

A New Spin Mop and Other Activity About the Shop
What…. it’s a Hot wire package Tape Dispenser

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The Guru Brew is a weekly entertainment show that is posted on the internet every Saturday with a frequent bonus upload on Wednesday. Our videos are mainly aimed at subjects like science, computers and technology and everything gadget related (we love gadgets). Our aim is to present these video lessons and demonstrations in a very simple, easy to understand way that any novice can grasp. Please join us as we document our techie adventures where something fun and new is always brewing.

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Music Courtesy of http://Incompetech.com & http://AudioNautix.com

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